Focal points should be ‘interesting and eye-catching’

If you have children over the age of six you have probably heard about the new 3D sensation movie about Justin Bieber, my daughter just attended the movie this week and has not stopped talking about it since.

Despite the fact that this young man is an incredible singer/songwriter and can play several instruments, the focus that surrounds him is his HAIR! There is even a scene in the movie which totally focuses on his sweeping locks (not that I’ve seen it).

The same is true in designing a room; the focal point of the room will grab the most attention despite other elements you may have spent time and money on.

Years ago I renovated a kitchen in a house we were preparing to sell. The kitchen was an amazing renovation with red cabinets, feature walls with custom stripes and a stunning new backsplash with two inch stainless steel mosaic tiles.

The entire room was a magical transformation which brought a drab, frumpy kitchen into the present, it was a project I was extremely proud of. For the next several months people who visited my house were in awe of the new look and every single one of them raved about the stainless steel tiles.

The smallest element in the room was the item that everyone focused on even though the entire room was dramatically changed.

It made me realize that a focal point must be carefully chosen in a room. I had thought that the feature striped wall would be the first thing noticed in the room and not the tiny tiles.

The focal point does not necessarily need to be the largest or brightest, sometimes the funkiest element gets the attention. I was visiting a client of our store the other day and while strolling through her impressive kitchen I focused on an element that was impressive. I did notice the custom granite, blown glass lighting and stunning cabinetry but I was blown away by the custom steamer she had installed into her countertop.

I had never seen an appliance like that before and it became my focal point. I’m sure the client had other focal points in mind for that kitchen and everyone who visits that home will find a different, favourite thing.

When you are planning your design, work out the area of the room you wish to focus on and decide what feature element you want to use to make that space pop. Even the smallest items should be considered in the overall design plan, plan each purchase carefully and resist the urge to over accessorize.

Keep the elements in each room simple and well co-ordinated, ensuring that the visual flow will continue around the room pulling it together.

Focal points should be interesting, unusual and eye-catching.

They should create conversation and capture your attention the moment you walk into the room. If something grabs your attention in a store or show home then it will probably attract the same attention in your home. Don’t be bashful when it comes to focal points, use your creative imagination to ad some wow to your room!

Kim Lewis is an interior designer in Red Deer with Carpet Colour Centre. Feel free to contact her at 403-343-7711 ext. 227 or email her at