How to be inspired this spring

Where do you go for inspiration? What fires your creativity and causes you to want to make big and bold changes? The desire for design change is huge at the moment, my calendar is full of clients wanting to dress up their homes and bring some colour into their lives. The landscape is brown, dry and dusty right now and it’s difficult to gather inspiration from looking out our window.

I usually try to travel this time of year, get away to a new climate with a new landscape that will fill me with wonder. It may be the mountains, or the coast – basically anything that can give me a new perspective. As you read this I will be breathing in the salt air of Victoria, meandering through the beautiful gardens and taking in the first daffodils of the season. I want to come back with renewed inspiration and a sense of spring in my step and in my design.

If travel isn’t an option for you, take a local stay-cation. Visit local greenhouses and be awed at the beautiful new flowers which are being offered. Immerse yourself in fresh plants and flowers and bring home something in a colour you would have never brought home before. A sunny floral or vibrant jewel tone may be the jumping off point for a brand new design theme for your home.

Spring trade shows and fashion shows may help inspire your creativity; I found wandering the aisles at the Red Deer Home Show gave me an abundance of ideas for spring projects. Even landscaping ideas were very appealing to me – in the past I haven’t really paid attention but I think I’m getting the gardening bug. As you talk to the experts you will gain new information and inspiration for many of your home projects.

Plan an amazing day just for you. Go and gather up an armload of decorating magazines, your favourite frappucino and tuck yourself into a favourite chair (preferably in a sunny corner of your house). Take your time, tell the family to give you an hour to yourself as you flip through the glossy pages. Allow yourself to dream and plan taking the time to mark your favourites, even making notes as to what appeals to you. Often we like a room scene for one or two reasons, not necessarily the whole picture. Make a few notes and post them to the pictures, enjoying the sun, solitude and the frappucino. Then treat your family to a special dinner to thank them for giving you the afternoon off.

Now that you are fired up to create, go and grab that amazing new paint colour that has inspired you and paint something anything. A vase, picture frame or even a wall if you want to jump into the deep end of the pool. Try to source an accessory or piece of art that screams your newfound colour inspiration at you and put it into your room. If you find the colour really speaks to you, add a little bit more of that colour over the next few weeks to increase its presence.

This is not time to be timid — go for it! Colour will ignite your creativity and make you feel like a new person. It is time for spring I say bring it on.

Kim Lewis is an interior designer in Red Deer with Carpet Colour Centre. Contact her at 403-343-7711 ext 227 or email her at