In addition to the Red Deer Firefighters annual pick-up service, Red Deerians can also drop off natural Christmas trees at various drop-off sites in the city.
Trees will be chipped and the wood mulch reused in City parks. Residents can drop off trees until Jan. 25th at the following locations:
1. Downtown: 43 Street and 48 Avenue – In the parking lot near the tennis courts
2. Bower: 36 Barrett Drive – Under the AltaLink power lines
3. Eastview Estates: 120 Ellenwood Drive – Eastview recreation site
4. Normandeau: Northeast corner of Nance Avenue and Niven Street intersection
5. Kentwood: Northeast corner of Kendrew Drive and Kent Street intersection
6. Oriole Park: West side of Overdown Drive and north of Ohio Close
7. Timberstone: West side of Timberstone Way at Teasdale Drive
8. Davenport: West side of Dempsey Street at Drummond Avenue
9. Ironstone: Southeast corner of Ironstone Drive and Inglewood Drive intersection
10. West Park: Southeast corner of 43 Street and 60 Ave intersection
11. Vanier Woods: East side of Viscount Drive – Under the Altalink power lines
12. Johnstone Crossing: North of Jewel Street at Jacob Crescent intersection
Residents are reminded to please remove all decorations, bags, tarps and tinsel from the trees to allow for the safe chipping and reuse of material. Please only dispose of Christmas trees in the cleared and marked areas of these sites.
-Submitted by the City of Red Deer