A worldwide live play game is coming to Red Deer

Live action role play is a term that often meets stigma, but adults in Red Deer can take some time this weekend to learn a little bit about Red Deer By Night.

An information session is being held in the Oriole Park Community Hall on Sept. 6 from noon until 6 p.m.

“Vampire, The Masquerade by Mind’s Eye Theatre Group has actually been around for a long time and is played all around the world. Games run in most major cities. Recently, a group of former players bought the rights to the game after it had been discontinued, changed up some rules and brought it back,” said Shane Stimson, a storyteller in the game, who directs and sort of pushes the storyline forward with twists and turns for players.

“When I got into this, I had a lot of misconceptions myself about the game. The name, ‘Vampire, the Masquerade’ kind of freaks people out and makes them think you’re weird. Essentially, it’s a theatre group using a set of rules to play a game.”

For one night a month, people ages 18 and over, due to mature-themed content, can get together with other community members and act out a game, known as a live action role play.

There is absolutely no physical contact in this particular game.

“It is not, as the name might suggest, a group of people running around trying to bite each other,” said Stimson.

Taken directly from the Red Deer By Night web site, “The fact that your character is a ‘vampire’ comes into play as granting special abilities and powers to enhance the game experience. The setting is a fictional alternate reality. A game sessions involves interacting with other characters and manoeuvring socially.”

Stimson explains some people have the idea that this game is only for certain people. In reality, he says that people of all ages have joined in.

This game is a way for people around Red Deer and area to gather together once a month and enjoy spending time a fictional world of social status where social structure, abilities, powers, allies and debts rule the actions and game play.

The storytellers guide the events and draw on real-world happenings to drive the events of the game forward.

The game follows rules and guidelines, but ultimately, it’s a social interaction group that gets together to create a world of their own. Stimson says he is hoping for between 30 and 50 members to begin the game with.

“The more players you have, the better the game. It’d be really nice to have an equal representation of genders and ages would really add to it,” he said.

“We do not accept harassment. We want people to come and be themselves and just enjoy the game. It’s about going out and socializing and meeting people.”

For more information on how to join, characters and how the game progresses, head to the Oriole Park Community Centre on Sept. 6th from noon to 6 p.m. They will be given information and specifics on the game and how to play.

For more information, check out the Red Deer By Night facebook page or head to www.reddeerbynight.ca.
