The Red Deer Youth Orchestra, Rosedale Valley String Orchestra and A Better World have announced a joint concert/fundraising event called Music with a Mission, set for May 2nd at First Church of the Nazarene.
Performance time is 7 p.m.
This year RVSO and RDYO are joining forces to raise money for a building project with A Better World, said Naomi Delafield of the Rosedale Valley String Orchestra.
“Talent is universal, opportunity is not.”
She said the goal is to raise $15,000 for the completion of the Tulwap Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) in Kenya, Africa.
There are two classrooms, an office and storage.
Currently there are 93 students ages three to six.
The young students are using the unfinished classrooms built by the parents four years ago, but are forced to transfer into another building every time it rains.
School staff hope to start their first ever music program in the school when the building project is complete.
“It is a true pleasure, and indeed an honor for me to participate in the musical activities of two groups who embody ideals of excellence and generosity in a world where these values are most needed,” said guest conductor Claude Lapalme of the Red Deer Symphony Orchestra. “Working with Rosedale Valley Strings and the Red Deer Youth Orchestra is always a highlight for me.”
There is no charge to attend the concert, but donations will help with the projects. There will also be a silent auction.