Andrew Scheer. (The Canadian Press)

Andrew Scheer. (The Canadian Press)

Andrew Scheer on revamped NAFTA deal: ‘I would have signed a better one’

Conservative leader says he wouldn’t have signed USMCA

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is opening a new front in his party’s fight against the revamped NAFTA deal, saying he would have done better than Justin Trudeau.

Scheer tweeted today that the U.S. is measuring its success in the newly revised North American Free Trade Agreement by what it gained.

He says the Liberal government, on the other hand, is defining its success by what it didn’t give up.

READ MORE: Farmers to receive compensation as part of historic NAFTA revamp

Scheer contends the Conservatives would not have had to sign the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement because they would have negotiated a better deal for Canadians.

He offers no details about those improvements, and his spokesman was not immediately available.

However, Scheer has accused the Liberals of gaining no new ground in the deal and making concessions in the auto, dairy and pharmaceutical sectors.

The Canadian Press

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