‘Boob Tour’ comes to City in support of breast cancer research

  • Apr. 9, 2014 3:59 p.m.

The Boob Tour is headed to town this Friday to gather communities in laughter while promoting cancer awareness.

“The actual show itself isn’t about cancer, it’s not about boobs – it is purely for entertainment. Each community does it differently, but all the proceeds go towards cancer,” says Jennifer McNaughton, a part of the Canadian Cancer Society business services.

The Boob Tour is a group of comedians chosen at random from HBO, Comedy Central and Just For Laughs. All ticket sales and all proceeds raised for this event will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.

“There isn’t a lot of major comedy or live events that come to Red Deer, or are at least they are few and far between. We just really want everybody to come out and have a good time and the expense goes towards cancer research,” said McNaughton.

The Boob Tour stems from a Canadian Cancer Society breast cancer awareness campaign. The slogans ‘I love boobs/boobies’ were printed on bracelets and t-shirts that gave all merchandise profits back to the Society.

The movement grew and has evolved into a national comedy tour that promotes breast cancer awareness, raises funds and allows communities to support a serious cause in a fun way. Communities select a theme or project to promote with the funds collected through the Boob Tour. Red Deer will be supporting the annual Relay for Life event.

Relay for Life is one of the largest Canadian Cancer Society events to be hosted each year. All proceeds from the comedy night will combine with pledges for the relay runners.

Teams of between 8-10 people participate in a 12-hour relay event that celebrates life and survival for those who have beaten cancer.

McNaughton is the captain of her relay team for Relay For Life. She and her teammates have been working hard to organize the Boob Tour here in town.

“We are just a group in town that wanted to get our community together to raise money for cancer, and the Boob Tour is the event we chose,” said McNaughton.

She says that the Red Deer capacity at the iHotel is 200 seats, three-quarters of which are already sold and the rest are expected to go quickly.

Sponsors for the event provided a venue, and helped cover the costs of hiring comedians. All of those funds in turn are actually sent to the Canadian Cancer Society at the end of the event.

“We’re always excited. There is a terrific support in Central Alberta,” says comic James Uloth.

Many organizations get in touch with the Boob Tour to organize event nights around North America. “We love bringing in new events and working with new groups. It’s amazing,” says Uloth.

Tickets are $25 and can be purchased through the Canadian Cancer Society by calling Jennifer at 403-318-9860 or 403-347 3662.
