City addresses makeshift camps in Red Deer’s parks and other green spaces

City addresses makeshift camps in Red Deer’s parks and other green spaces

Staff follow streamlined process to ensure safety of all Red Deerians is a priority

The City has an inter-departmental collaborative approach in place to address makeshift camps in Red Deer’s parks and other green spaces, which aims to address the safety of everyone in our community through clean up and connecting individuals with appropriate support services.

Many City departments are involved in the approach, including Social Planning, Municipal Policing and Recreation, Parks and Culture. Once notified of a camp, City staff follow a streamlined process to ensure the safety of all Red Deerians is a priority, debris is cleaned up and sites are restored for all to enjoy.

This collaborative approach includes addressing rough sleeper encampments on public land by:

  • Supporting individuals experiencing homelessness encountered on public land and providing support services towards safe housing.
  • Decreasing the number of encampments and cleaning up debris left behind.
  • Increasing the enjoyment and safety of our City’s trails and parks.

The process to manage rough sleepers follows these steps:

1. Citizens contact the RCMP/ Bylaw Complaint Line to report the camp.

2. A Municipal Enforcement Officer is dispatched to the reported camp site, which is often vacant.

3. If occupants are present, the camp location is recorded and provided to a Social Support Services

and Housing outreach team.

4. The outreach team responds to these requests and provides referrals to services including housing.

5. Once this work is complete, the Issuing Officer posts a 24-hour eviction notice.

6. Municipal Enforcement then communicates to the Recreation, Parks and Culture department, whose

staff are scheduled to complete weekly camp cleanups.

This approach and process endeavors to prevent the displacement and reoccupation of rough sleepers within the park system by attempting to get people housed.

Encampment locations are in constant transition. Public who are aware of encampments can report them to the non-emergency RCMP complaint line at 403-343-5575.

-Submitted by the City of Red Deer