City council to consider 2017 Capital Budget

Red Deerians can provide input into $106.75 million budget until Nov. 16th

  • Oct. 26, 2016 9:42 p.m.

A $106.75 million budget will be considered by council for 2017 with The City focusing on the sustainability of people and infrastructure. City council will also consider the 2018-2026 Capital Plan valued at $1.27 billion.

“In recognition of the reduced growth rate and the economic climate we are faced with, administration took a look at the capital plan that was approved in principle last year for 2017, and took steps to further reduce that amount,” said City Manager Craig Curtis. “We recognized the challenges, took a proactive approach, and developed a budget in reflection of that.”

In 2016, Red Deer saw a slowing in overall growth, and the economy’s continued uncertainty plays into the planning for infrastructure. The projects being proposed will work to ensure our foundational infrastructure is sustained, previously approved projects are accounted for and amenities that Red Deerians want remain in the 10 year capital plan.

With Red Deer being the next largest urban municipality to the major metro areas of Calgary and Edmonton, and being the host of the 2019 Canada Winter Games, it is imperative to focus on sustainability planning for people and infrastructure and building the City’s future through council’s vision.

“Our focus is, and always will be providing quality services and facilities for Red Deerians,” said Curtis. “This capital budget will allow us to focus on items previously approved, and maintain the great amenities, community and infrastructure we have in place.”

On Nov. 22nd, council will consider the recommended projects in the 2017 Capital Budget, multi-year projects with start dates in 2017. Council will also consider the 2018-2026 Capital Plan, giving administration the ability to plan future projects while providing the flexibility to adjust projects based on community needs and funding sources.

“We are always balancing the city’s need for enabling growth, building community amenities and maintaining infrastructure,” said Dean Krejci, chief financial officer. “This budget and plan maintain the longer term sustainability of our funding sources with the current economic environment and growth rate of our City.”

As part of the 2017 capital budget process, citizens have the opportunity to review the budget and provide feedback to council before they consider it. Feedback can be provided by email to or in writing at City Hall, Collicutt Centre, Recreation Centre, Red Deer Public Library Downtown Branch, Timberlands Branch and G.H. Dawe Branch. Copies of the budget are also available at those locations. The deadline to submit feedback is 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 16th.

Budget details can also be found online at

Capital budget review begins at 9 a.m. on Nov. 22nd and may continue on Nov. 23rd in Council Chambers, City Hall.

– Fawcett