

New candidate enters council race

  • Jul. 24, 2013 8:16 p.m.

Troy Wavrecan has entered the race for a spot on City council.

He recently announced his candidacy and said he is looking forward to hitting the campaign trail.

Wavrecan has lived in Red Deer for 13 years. He currently works in the deli department at Walmart.

Wavrecan graduated from Red Deer College in 2007 from the computer systems technology program. While at RDC he was elected back to back as the secretary for the Computer Systems Technology Society.

He said he has recently started to gain an interest in politics.

“What has interested me is the fact of, in this case on a local level, managing many different aspects of a city to assist those who live, work, and venture to visit Red Deer,” said Wavrecan. “The main decision why I chose to run for City council is to bring forth a positive voice/change for Red Deer, someone who will stand up for the residents of Red Deer but yet not forgetting those who live in the County of Red Deer and those who venture to Red Deer for other means be they shopping, work, or business.”

He added over the course of his campaign there are a number of issues he will focus on.

“I stand for being the voice of Red Deer, equality in responsibility of Red Deer as a whole and not on an individual basis, someone that will work towards better snow removal, better public programs, improving the quality of transportation, and making Red Deer a safer place to live. Over and above these values, I feel that there should be public involvement and the control of the City budget that is set forth.”

If elected, Wavrecan said there are many assets he will bring to the council table.

“The assets that will be brought is someone that will stand up for those who want to be heard and involve the public more.

“A prime example are bike lanes. An extremely high percentage of the public was not informed of the situation until it was too late either by the announcement of the bike lanes being put in or the soon-to-be bike lanes. There was no thought or consideration of where to put the bike lanes, the safety of the cyclists and motorists, and the pros and cons of the bike lanes if put in high traffic areas and low traffic areas.

“Don’t get me wrong the bike lanes are a good idea but they needed more consideration and the ideal locations for them. Another alternative which may be safer than on high-traveled roads is looking into where or how the trails can be expanded and utilized properly and to the full extent,” he said.

“Throughout my experience of working, people have commented to me ‘Why don’t you become a manager?’ or ‘You would be good as a manager’. I have always been there for people to talk to, seek advice, or even to just vent to. I have always listened and didn’t judge the person no matter what they have done, ethnic background, or even physical/mental capabilities. I treated everyone equally.”

He added while on the campaign trail he is most looking forward to meeting and conversing with Red Deerians.

“I want to help them to gain the understanding that I am running for council and that to let them know that if elected, that they have someone to talk to and bring forward important situations that need to be looked after.”