No sympathy for smokers

  • Feb. 20, 2013 4:28 p.m.

I will not engage in personal attacks on past letter writers; I’m sure they’re spectacular individuals.

I will say that with what we know about smoking and its effects on humans it’s hard to contain my disgust at their words and justifications of selfish behaviour.

Sure, you may be the most considerate smoker in the world… in YOUR opinion.

That doesn’t mean that the effects of your ‘choice’ do not interfere with another’s choice for a healthy lifestyle. Smoking zones should be outlawed altogether around hospitals, workplaces, malls, restaurants, arenas and fitness facilities.

Smoke in your vehicle or home if you choose to.

Those who are sick or have lowered immunity shouldn’t be subjected to that; nor should children or the rest of us that want to enjoy fresh air without the ever stylish mask and bottle. I detest walking through a cloud of smoke as I leave the Collicutt center after a workout.

I feel sorry for the kids who have to sit in the backseat, their lungs filled with crap after working so hard to improve themselves at the sport of their choice.

Even in my work place where smokers out number non-smokers, I have to walk through their cloud, have it foul the air when the windows are open and drive in trucks that are smoked in because they feel it is their ‘right’.

Smokers shouldn’t have the right to inflict harm on others passively. If that’s the case I should have the right to file attempted murder charges for your smoke cloud and third hand residual.

Smokers who want to deal with the ‘difficult position we are placed in’ need to realize you placed yourself there when you made the choice to slowly kill yourself.

As someone who chooses a healthy lifestyle, my choice is to enjoy my life through constant improvement rather than an ‘enjoyment’ that will kill me quicker.

If you choose to smoke then it should not affect others, ever! No clouds, butts, cough attacks or foul smelling clothing. The only way you can be a considerate smoker is to smoke in a trash can equipped, well exhausted, enclosed box in your basement; while naked.

Tess Roslind

Red Deer