November isn’t just about ‘Movember’

  • Dec. 12, 2012 5:29 p.m.

You may have noticed an influx of mustaches (recently). But November wasn’t just for the guys. Did you know the popular Movember campaign – an event that sees facial hair grown in exchange for pledges that benefit men’s health programs, including prostate cancer and mental health awareness, shares the second last month of the year with Lung Cancer Awareness Month, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, Stomach Cancer Awareness Month, and Mouth Cancer Action Month?

Raising awareness is crucial in the fight against all cancers of which there are more than 200 different types. So, while mos are meaningfully being grown for bros, the Canadian Cancer Society wants to let the ladies know that they’re loved too.

Three women courageously shared their cancer stories with us in our newest awareness video You Are Loved. It is our hope that the conversation captured in this video will inspire all women to start their own conversations with their loved ones and doctors.

Ladies, you have a 40% risk of being diagnosed with some form of cancer in your lifetime. Please know that your family and friends love you, and they want you around for many more years. So it’s vital that you know the symptoms to recognize and the questions to ask your healthcare provider.

Because, in most cases, catching cancer in its early stages is the key to beating it.

Watch our video and join the Canadian Cancer Society’s free health reminder program at

Also be sure to share this important message of love and hope. It’s a conversation that may save the women in your life.

Dan Holinda,

Executive director

Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Division