Requests for special election ballots now accepted

Requests for special election ballots now accepted

Red Deer municipal election to be held Oct. 16th

Individuals who are unable to vote on Election Day or during advance polls can still cast a ballot in the 2017 Election by way of Special Ballot.

Requests for a Special (mail-in) Ballot must be made in advance of Election Day. Requests can be made in writing, by telephone, fax, email, or in person at Red Deer City Hall. Ballots are mailed to voters after nominations close on Sept. 19th and must be returned in the envelope provided and received by the Returning Officer before 4:30 p.m. on Election Day on Oct. 16th.

“We want as many citizens as possible to vote in the election.” said Frieda McDougall, returning officer. “Special Ballots are mail-in ballots made available to residents who are temporarily living outside of Red Deer during the election, like snowbirds or students away attending school. They are also available to those who are physically unable to get to a voting station, or require assistance voting.”

City of Red Deer electors are voting for the mayor, eight City councillors and seven public or five Catholic school board trustees.

To be eligible to vote, an elector must be at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, have lived in Alberta for the last six consecutive months immediately preceding Election Day (since April 16th) and a resident of the City of Red Deer on election day. Voters must provide proof of identification that shows both their name and current address.

Requests for a special ballot can be made by telephone at 403-342-8132, fax at 403-346-6195 or email at Requests can also be made in person at City Hall, second floor (4914-48th Ave.), by mail to Returning Officer, The City of Red Deer, Box 5008, Red Deer, AB, T4N 3T4.

– Fawcett