How can the war in Vietnam now be saving lives?
During the Vietnam conflict U.S. soldiers were given free cheap cigarettes, but they were harsh to smoke. To decrease the harshness, soldiers applied glycerine gel to one end of the cigarette which trapped harmful tar. This has pioneered a life-saving idea called ‘NicoBloc’.
Every year tobacco kills three million people worldwide. Today 90% of lung cancer deaths, 30% of all cancers, 80% of chronic bronchitis and emphysema and 25% of heart disease and stroke are due to tobacco. Given the choice, mouth to mouth resuscitation of Dracula is safer than lighting up a cigarette.
If tobacco was introduced to North Americans today, health authorities would ban it as a hazardous substance. Now we know it contains tar, nicotine and 4,000 chemicals of which 40 are known to be carcinogenic to humans. It’s ironic that no sane human would swallow a pill with this lethal combination, but millions of North Americans willingly inhale it.
So why do people continue to smoke and injure their health? After all, you would have to be living on Mars not to have heard about the lethal and chronic medical problems associated with smoking.
The problem is that cigarette smoking readily becomes a habit. Some people habitually light up even before they enjoy their morning coffee. It’s easy to make a list of tobacco habits as long as your arm.
But it doesn’t take much time before a habit becomes an addiction delivering a lethal punch. Nicotine, like heroin, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier altering the chemistry of the brain. Moreover, since nicotine is even more addictive than cocaine or heroin, it’s easy to get hooked.
In addition, smokers know that tossing away cigarettes means facing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. The easy route is to keep smoking.
So what makes NicoBloc different from other anti-smoking medication? First, it’s a natural remedy, not a drug, with no active ingredients added to the smoke or inhaled. This decreases the risk of side-effects. So it passes the doctrine that doctors should first do no harm.
It’s been repeatedly shown that the attempt to quit smoking ‘cold turkey’ is not possible for most smokers. Consequently, NicoBloc provides a gradual tapering of the amount of nicotine consumed by the body.
So how does it work and how effective is this remedy?
Smokers insert the nozzle of the container, to make a small indentation, in the filter of the cigarette. One drop of NicoBloc is then placed in the indentation immediately before smoking the cigarette. Studies show that this causes the vaporized tar and nicotine to cool down, turn back into solid form, and adhere to the cigarette filter. This removes 33% of these hazardous ingredients.
This 33% reduction starts the weaning process, but not enough to trigger withdrawal symptoms. In the second week two drops are used on each cigarette which reduces the tar and nicotine by 66%.
By week three and onwards, three drops are used to block up to 99%.
Since tar gives cigarettes their flavour this gradual approach allows taste buds to get accustomed to gentle change. Moreover, the sight of the nicotine and tar deposits on the filter helps to keep smokers motivated. And no study shows that the fluid used causes any toxicity. NicoBloc is so smoker-friendly that the success rate is 60%.
Remember, NicoBloc is not intended to make smoking safe as other chemicals in smoke still cause health problems. For instance, many people don’t know that nicotine is associated with erectile dysfunction. But the main point is that this natural remedy will save needless and foolish deaths.
For more information, see the web site