Canada Day! Fireworks abound this week as we sun deprived Canadians look for reasons to celebrate, barbecue and enjoy the weather. It has been a fun-filled week with plenty of friends and family and I am anxious for the lazy days of summer to begin.
After two scorching days of heat I was thankful for my RV with its wonderful air conditioning as we retreated to the lake in search of refuge. It seems that many other people had the same idea as the campground was fuller than usual for a weekday. In case you are wondering if I ever work, I would get up early and trek into Red Deer to meet with my clients daily!
Normally we sit outside on various decks or around firepits to chat and enjoy time with our newly acquainted neighbourhood but the heat drove everyone inside which allowed me to peek inside a few new trailers! As voyeuristic as I am to see inside people’s homes, I find I am also curious to see inside RVs and motor homes to see how the space is laid out and to discover clever new storage solutions.
My husband and I purchased a new RV this year and it was chosen for its unique layout and neutral décor. The increase in space from the last camper was enormous and I was happy to have a decent kitchen to prepare meals in. This trailer suits our family and allows us to have more than just two people at a time to visit. I honestly didn’t give much thought to the décor as it was neutral and all the stuff I usually take camping is leftover from the house. Mismatched, worn and comfy is the design scheme at our trailer.
I wasn’t prepared for the RV I toured last week, I was BLOWN away!
Our lovely neighbours Glen and Wendy have a trailer that they live in year-round, dividing their time between here and Arizona. From the outside it was sharp looking with dancing decals – a trailer is a trailer is a trailer, right?
Wrong; when Wendy invited me inside my jaw hit her granite countertops. The trailer was not only beautifully appointed with deep merlot cabinets, stone countertops and oversized professional looking appliances – it was decorated!
The colour palette reflected the hottest colours of 2013, grey and chartreuse which blended perfectly with the delicious cabinets. The design and functionality of the trailer was unique and quite fun to look at. The owners’ passion for decorating was evident with the carefully chosen accessories and abundance of toss cushions (one can never have too many toss cushions!)
To say I had my eyes opened is an understatement, until this day I had not considered how decorative an RV could be.
Do I have trailer envy? You bet! Will I run out and start to drape and dazzle my own fifth wheel? I’m not sure!
The diva in me screams ‘get out there and buy some toss cushions’ while the practical side reminds me of the kids and sticky-handed grandchildren who will have years of memories at this place and I think I like worn and comfy for now. My home is my gilded castle and my RV is my cozy and mismatched family retreat – for now.