City council’s move to ramp up plowing on City streets – mainly in residential areas – landed great reviews and appreciation by residents.
It was a good, fast move from our local politicians and it was nice to see the issue promptly dealt with.
All hands were on deck starting Tuesday as numerous neighbourhoods were plowed and work is expected to continue throughout the week.
People expect action from council to help them in their day-to-day lives – for example making sure residents can safely get out of neighbourhoods and travel on City streets is a necessity.
It’s nice when the City puts out warnings for residents to stay home and avoid travel on the roads, as was done Monday during the raging blizzard, but that simply isn’t realistic for most people. Red Deerians need to get to work, kids need to get to school and life just doesn’t stop in the wake of a storm as we all know living in Central Alberta.
Of course the plowing will not be perfect, but it will ensure City streets are accessible. Windrows will be left on both sides of the streets taking away from parking, but we think this is worth the inconvenience – there is nothing worse than having to gun it through your neighbourhood, pray that no one is coming the other way as you make drive to your parking spot and on the chance you have to stop, getting stuck and hoping someone comes along to help out. Not to mention what damage can be done to your car in the process.
The cost for the residential plow will cost $100,00 and we think it is money well spent.
In the past, council has been harshly criticized for being too reactive with snow removal and while we agree the policy needs work, Mayor Tara Veer and the rest of council are to be commended.
We also are encouraged by Councillors Tanya Handley and Ken Johnston’s Notice of Motion to discuss possible amendments to the City’s Snow and Ice Policy during the operating budget talks in January. This has been a long time coming and we hope substantial changes will be made. As the City grows and becomes busier, snow removal becomes that more vital of an issue and it’s something that wears on Red Deerians winter after winter.
Now we ask Mother Nature to please give us a break.