Exactly one month ago today the Benalto Train Station made its historic return journey to its home of origin. It now rests meters away from its new and final location.
There are so very many people and organizations to thank for helping our tiny community begin the process of bringing the station back to its roots.
Without the interest and support of all the electronic and print media in our surrounding area we could not have shared this exciting, historic move with the world…and we mean world. Calls have come in from far and wide in support of this project.
Without the tremendous outpouring of funding donations large and small, and offers of help from volunteers this would have been impossible to achieve.
Donations are gratefully welcomed by the Benalto Booster Club, Box 135, Benalto, AB TOM OHO.
Without the assistance and guidance of Sylvan Lake RCMP and Red Deer County Protective Services Patrol Officers the stationʼs journey would have been much more perilous for Wadeʼs Housemoving crew, the Fortis Line Lift Team, and for all who were caught in the long line of traffic behind the station. To all of you drivers who were slowly following this 28 ft. high, 75 ton building and allowed it to safely arrive we extend our great thanks for your patience and understanding.
Benalto will be celebrating its Centennial next June 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2014 and we invite one and all to come and share our thanks to you for your support of this special place in the hearts of Central Alberta.
Dave More,
Co-chair, Benalto Centennial Committee