Valentine’s Day is one of those days that people either love or loath.
With the holiday this Friday, flashes of pink and red are painted across the City, florists are likely being run off their feet, card shops are packed with last-minute shoppers and candy stores are pretty much running on empty as the last boxes of chocolate treats are scooped up.
Yes, Valentine’s Day is a bit mushy and not for the faint of heart – so to speak. Lovers will have an extra bounce in their step, an extra sparkle in their eye, and a smile on their faces as Cupid strikes again.
Even the youngsters get involved in the celebration with the excitement of giving and receiving their own Valentines from classmates and friends.
This is where the seed of love begins.
It’s a fact that Valentine’s Day has become more commercialized over the years – it is estimated that over one billions Valentine’s Day cards are sent out each year.
This makes it the second largest card sending holiday of the year with Christmas taking the top spot.
More than 189 million roses are estimated to be purchased and thousands of pounds of chocolates will be consumed on this special day as well. With all this commercial hype, we don’t think that lovers should forget the real meaning.
This celebratory day is all in the name of St. Valentine. There are a few versions of who he was. He has been described as a priest in Rome, a bishop of Interamna, and a martyr in the Roman province of Africa. Some believe that Feb. 14 is celebrated to commemorate the anniversary of St. Valentine’s death, which is thought to have happened around 270 AD.
Others believe the Christian church may have celebrated St. Valentine’s feast in hopes of ‘Christianizing’ celebrations of the pagan Lupercaila Festival.
The month of February in ancient Rome was the beginning of spring, and was considered a time of purification.
While not many people realize where Valentine’s Day originated, it is still celebrated – just in a different manner.
Although Valentine’s Day is pegged as the day of love, we don’t think lovers should only show their significant other how they feel one day a year – it should be everyday. Often, the single folks dread this love-filled day.
It can be a reminder of their singleness, something they may not want to think about at all. Ladies can have their own celebrations – the so-called Galentine’s Day parties where women just have fun with their friends and put aside concerns over their singleness.
Don’t let the happiness of Valentine’s Day get you down, it doesn’t just have to be about falling in love. Ponder new ways to find that special someone. That way, next Valentine’s Day you may very well have some company.